Welcome to My Little Silly Life.
What's Little Silly Life about?
It's about one woman on a journey to become the very best version of herself, while nurturing and growing a happy and healthy family. And hopefully somewhere along the way I can help someone else in their journey to become their very best too.What will you find here?
You'll find the topics that you'd be chatting about with your girlfriends while sipping wine near the pool on a Wednesday afternoon. Nice image, right? And while it won't be exactly like that, I invite you to grab a glass of wine or cup of coffee and join in the conversation. There will be laughter, because with kids, there is always laughter. There will be love, with the people in my life, love is plentiful. There will be moments of epiphany and deep thought, so brace yourselves. There will be tears and with any luck, those will be few and far in between. You'll also find some great new healthy recipes taste-tested by my toughest critics, (what I can get them to try anyway), product and app reviews and tons of health and fitness tips.Who Am I?
I'm Kelly, a 30-something wife and mother living in New Jersey with my best friend and husband, Chris and our 2 amazing boys, Brandon and Ryan. I have an amazing family and equally amazing friends. I have loved and lost. I have fallen, gotten back up and fallen again, but keep I on plugging through. I have easy times and hard times, funny and sad times. I forgive but never forget. I'm a sucker for celebrity smut magazines. I hate reality TV. I love a good Lifetime made-for-TV movie. My boys have taught me about a love I never knew could exist and a fear equally as intense. I'm indecisive. I'm emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve. I love the beach, but I'm deathly afraid of the water. I'm motivated and lazy. I dream, I hope, I have faith. I laugh and cry. I worry and I'm carefree (although I think I worry more). I'm perfectly flawed.Don't miss all the fun! Follow me and my Little Silly Life on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.